Contribute to She Reads

We love to hear from readers, writers and influencers about what they’re reading. Interested in submitting a reading list for review? Here are the requirements:

  • A unique article subject that ties in with a trending topic, cultural event or popular genre – Send us something to get excited about!
  • Include 10-20 book recommendations that relate to the topic
  • 2-3 sentence summaries for each book you are recommending. (Please don’t copy and paste Amazon summaries!)
  • A strong 2-3 sentence intro to begin the piece

Have an article that meets these guidelines? Email us at (Word Doc or Google Doc link) and we will review and let you know if it’s ready to be published on the site along with your personal bio which can link to your social media accounts.

She Reads also works with freelance writers to assign timely and trending editorial pieces. Interested in joining our community of contributing writers? Email us at