About Danielle Carey
Danielle is older than your sister and younger than your mum. The number of books she owns is between five to ten times greater than the amount of dollars she has in the bank at any one moment. She is a messy, fumbling, self-centred skeptic who somehow has been granted grace. Danielle writes and imagines and worries and trusts from a little Housie in south-east Queensland. She likes fruit smoothies, snail mail, secondhand bookstores, cheeseburgers, moleskines, 70% cocoa chocolate, and nieces and nephews. At times like these, she wishes she could afford to pay someone to write her bios for her, instead of clunkily chugging along in the third person.
By Danielle Carey|2021-01-06T05:45:30-07:00May 13, 2018|Categories: Book Lists|