Author of the romantasy hit from Red Tower, Cecy Robson, sits down to chat with us about her novel, Bloodguard, a gripping novel full of intense combat, high stakes, and a love that could end an entire kingdom.
Tell us about Bloodguard.
If The Hunger Games and Gladiator had a baby it would be Bloodguard. Leith of Grey volunteers to enter the deadly gladiator games to win the coveted title of BLOODGUARD. The title grants the winner gold which Leith needs to help his dying sister. Maeve, an elven princess needs the title of Queen to help her people. There are political obstacles keeping both from achieving their goals. They decide to work together, so both can have what they desire. They just never expected to fall in love or for the danger to extend outside of the arena.
How did you craft the dark and gritty world of Bloodguard?
I am all about the dark, gritty, and deadly. I love action and crafting stories that draw readers into my world–my very scary, often twisted world. Once I develop the idea of a gladiator competition, the story just unfolded on its own. I fell in love with Leith right away, so I felt compelled to create a story where readers could also fall in love with him, too.
How did the concept of blood oaths shape the characters and themes in the book?
The Bloodguard world is such that there are many politics and power-hungry individuals that it’s not enough to make a promise. You don’t know who your real friend is or if your greatest alliance will become your most dangerous enemy. I wanted to be able to hold the characters accountable, and at the same time elevate the stakes. What better way than instead death if you break a promise?
How do you approach writing morally grey characters that readers connect with?
That is often very challenging. What I try to do is not make everyone completely bad or completely good. We all make mistakes. These characters make many. When I analyze each character, specifically my heroes, as many mistakes as they make across the page, they still need to be sympathetic to the reader. Leith is a murderer. Why would anyone root for the hero to continue to murder? In this instance, it’s because Leith has no choice. If he loses, he dies, and so does his sick little sister who counts on his winnings for medicines. His family is also from a deeply oppressed region. They will starve without Leith’s help.
What’s your favorite romantasy trope and how does it appear in Bloodguard?
In this case, it’s the underdog trope. Leith was never supposed to succeed in life. He comes from poverty, and from a realm with no opportunities. The gladiator arena for a chance at to win the title of BLOODGUARD, is his only chance at greatness. In theory he isn’t supposed to win. Maybe he does, and maybe the guy with the good heart gets the girl at the end.
What got you into the romantasy genre?
The thrill of action and the toe-curling moments that romance offers.
What are your favorite romantasy reads?
I loved The Games Gods Play, Five Broken Blades, and Fate Inked in Blood—I can’t wait for the sequels!
What inspired the world-building in your latest novel?
Movies like The Fellowship of the Ring trilogy and the brutality of Game of Thrones. These projects were insanely complex and imposing. I wanted to write a novel that captured this type of grandiose storytelling.
What comes first for you, the fantasy world or the romance?
I must say, it’s the romance. I want to fall in love with the couple first before I decide what world I will throw them into.
Which character in your latest novel was the most fun to write?
Giselle, Maeve’s sister. She has no filter, she gives no f’s, but my goodness, I would totally be her best friend.
What are you working on next?
The second novel in the Bloodguard series tentatively titled Death Maiden.
Bloodguard by Cecy Robson
Leith of Grey will do anything to protect his family, especially his sister, who is in desperate need of life saving medicine. To get enough gold to save his family and his sister’s life, he volunteers to participate in the Kingdom of Arrows brutal gladiator combat. For years, he fights tooth and nail, giving everything he has to save his family, including his freedom and humanity. He then meets Maeve, an elven princess who he despises, until he learns she could be the key to winning the title of Bloodguard, and his freedom.
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